
Radio Interview with Body Boost Owner John Epert

This interview took place on radio station KFNX 1100 September 24, 2009 from 9:00am to 9:30am. Dr Dan Koontz a Phoenix Chiropractor was interviewing John Epert owner of BodyBoost Colostrum.

Dr Koontz:
I like to introduce you to John Epert the owner of BodyBoost Colostrum. John owned Food For Health, a distribution company to Health Food Stores that grew from zero to 45 million dollars a year from 1971 to 1990 when he sold it and tried to retire. John what got you into manufacturing Colostrum?

Stan Kalson director of International Holistic Center in Phoenix had been a friend of mine for most of my years in the Health Food Distribution business came to me in 1995. Stan had been selling large amounts of a Colostrum product.

He told me of his discovery of Colostrum and how much it had helped him. Unfortunately Stan wasn’t breast feed and had been consequently suffering his whole life with near health. He had chronic infections, allergies, hyper activity and the list continues. When he started taking Colostrum a chronic yeast infection disappeared and has not reappeared since. Colostrum has given him energy, a stronger immune system and a bonus of looking and feeling younger. In fact I thought Stan looked younger and much better.

I started researching its benefits finding thousands of research articles and agreed with Stan that it was an amazing product. I contacted sources of supply and along with the assistance of an Arizona State University Food Scientist tested some 10 different products in the lab finding the most potent and holistic product. Stan was disappointed with the quality of the product he had been selling when he saw the results of the scientific testing; Stan convinced me to start manufacturing colostrum using the more potent holistic product.

We decided to call it BodyBoost Colostrum since that is what it does. Stan has represented Body Boost from the start getting it into health food stores and Physician offices throughout Arizona.

Dr Koontz:
Please explain to our audience what Colostrum is.

Colostrum is the substance that all female mammals produce in their breast milk after child birth. It is not milk but a yellowish substance that is very rich in immune building qualities to establish the baby’s immune system. Many adults that have health challenges can trace their weakened immune system to a lack of breast feeding at birth. Colostrum is so unbelievably effective that Alternative practitioners and Physicians’ world wide acknowledges its powerful immune and healing abilities. Those wanting to avoid using antibiotics find it especially effective in the treatment of acute upper respiratory infections, especially those due to viral causes because antibiotics are mostly effective only with bacterial infections. For centuries colostrum has been used in rural societies. Dr. Sabin utilized antibodies from bovine colostrum to develop his polio vaccine.

Worldwide hospitals have treated viral, bacterial and fungal infections with colostrum.

Flu is in the news on a daily basis and Colostrum may strengthen the immune system to eliminate infection. It does not interfere with other preventative procedures, but provides another level of protection.

Dr Koontz:
Please tell us more on how colostrum works

Bovine colostrum contains proteases inhibitors that allow the colostrum to bypass the digestive system and begin its effectiveness in the bowel. The bowel is where most disease has its start. Many eat poorly and try to take vitamins to replace their lost nutrients from not eating fresh whole foods. How can we expect health from depleted foods from which our bodies are unable to assimilate nutrients? The majority of disease enters the body through the bowel. As our first line of defense the bowel lining provides a powerful immunity against disease causing challenges like viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites and other health destroying toxins. The bowel becomes more porous and this has been labeled the leaky gut syndrome. You might view the bowel as a volcano ready to explode its toxic brew into the system. Eventually these toxins leak through the bowel lining and travel throughout the blood stream eventually reaching all major organs. Our immune system is constantly on guard, but with time it weakens and disease takes over. In some cases it over reacts manifesting an autoimmune disease, creates allergic reactions or just becomes overwhelmed and gives up.

Research has shown that colostrum can reverse the downward path of the sick bowel. Colostrums immune factors destroy the deadly pathogens, bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites and toxins while replacing the beneficial bacteria. Its growth factors heal and regenerate the bowels lining which prevents the onset of disease. Along with improved lifestyle changes, the bowel can then resume its normal function of allowing only beneficial nutrients to pass through its lining. Without a healthy bowel disease is a certainty.

Dr Koontz:
Will colostrum be effective against the various super microbes, which are unable to be eliminated by antibiotics?

After World War II we saw the dawn of the antibiotic age to control killer microbes. Scientists and pharmaceutical houses were busy developing antiviral vaccines with the endorsement of the medical groups. The public was convinced about these new drugs and they were heralded as the new super weapons against all disease. Fifty years later this has unfortunately backfired, because antibiotics have been indiscriminately used by many doctors.

Farm animals are given antibiotics as well that result in small quantities of antibiotics being introduced into the food supply. When we consume these small quantities the bugs learn to adapt and thrive.

This misuse of these drugs has created resistant super microbes. Now there is an epidemic of infections that scientists are unable to treat. The National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine has stated; antibiotic resistance in recognized diseases may be a greater threat to the public health than the emergence of new diseases. There are only a few powerful antibiotics that are capable of destroying these drug resistant microbes. There are also rapidly growing staff and e-coli infections that no antibiotics can eliminate. There are numerous viruses, like AIDS, Ebola and many strains of flu viruses that are killing millions worldwide. Infectious diseases are now listed as the world’s number one killer and researchers now hypothesize that our human survival will be contingent on the development of natural immunity. Bovine colostrum is a powerful, natural supplement that contains the actual immune factors capable of boosting the immune system and destroying these killer microbes before they overwhelm our bodies systems. Colostrum is the only natural supplement that is capable of killing so many different types of microbes.

Dr Koontz:
How do Colostrums immune factors work with our immune system?

Besides Colostrums immune factors ability to kill viruses and bacteria, it also contains a powerful immune hormone, Proline-rich Polypeptide or PRP. PRP is a hormone that regulates the thymus gland, the master gland of the immune system. PRP is not only able to boost an under active immune response but it also regulates overactive immune conditions such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Psoriasis chronic fatigue syndrome and allergies. Immunoglobulin A D E G and M are the most plentiful immune factors available in Colostrum. Immunoglobulin G neutralizes toxins and microbes in the lymph and circulatory systems IgM destroys bacteria while IgD is highly anti viral. It’s also important that you use Colostrum that contains at least 20% or more of the broad-spectrum immunoglobulin’s found in BodyBoost Colostrum.

Dr Koontz:
John could you now explain about the growth factors found in Colostrum?

The growth factors in colostrum help to stimulate growth hormone absorption across cell membranes. Studies have shown that the growth factors in Colostrum are capable of increasing T-cell production, accelerating healing of wounds and burns, balancing blood glucose levels reducing insulin need, increasing bone growth, metabolizing fat for fuel, putting radiance in our skin, increasing libido, improving sleep, elevating moods, eliminating gas, bloating and the list just goes on. This leads me to the conclusion that it will assist in making most people feel and look better. The growth factors in Colostrum are natural and in perfect balance just as nature intended it to be.

Dr Koontz:
John could you explain how to use Colostrum?

Colostrum is a natural food and is safe at any level of use with no known side effects. When consuming all foods, common sense is always the key word. Be caution not too overdue any food substance, including Colostrum. Colostrum is best taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of purified water. Take Colostrum upon awakening, as your stomach is empty at this time, which allows the Colostrum to travel to the intestines where it does its good work. Be sure to continue drinking additional purified water throughout the day. Your second dose is best taken late in the afternoon at least one hour before dinner. Be sure to drink a large glass of water and not substitute other liquids to wash down the capsule. Other liquids may slow the viability of the Colostrum. A maintenance dose of Colostrum is two to four capsules a day assuming that each capsules contains 500 mg. as in BodyBoost. People with difficult immune challenges or experiencing symptoms may need as much as 6 to 12 capsules a day.

Dr Koontz:
Why aren’t the drug companies selling this product?

Colostrum is a naturally occurring substance that cannot be patented; therefore the drug companies are not excited to broadcast the miracles of a product that they can’t control. Colostrum is not just one compound but naturally has hundreds of critical immune and healing factors. These factors work synergistically and are naturally occurring and cannot be effectively isolated. When your immune system is working well, disease is not able to invade the body. With the increased use of nutritionally poor foods, polluted environments, and overuse of ineffective drugs, bovine colostrum makes sense for everyone who wants a boost to their immune system. BodyBoost is whole colostrum that has not had properties taken out or added. It is collected from the first two milking’s after birth, frozen at the farm, collected then spray dried under a low heat process. Colostrum is produced for the first five days after birth but is strongest in immune factors these first two milkings. BodyBoost Colostrum is the best product available as nothing is taken out and only the first two milking are used.

Dr Koontz:
How is BodyBoost Colostrum packaged?

We have had capsules in bottle since the beginning. Six months ago I was scheduled for surgery and wanted to increase my intake of BodyBoost from 1.5 grams a day to 5 grams twice a day starting thirty days before surgery thru sixty days after. That meant taking 10, 500 mg capsules twice per day. Instead I obtained bulk colostrum and put 5 grams into my protein drink. That gave the protein drink a unique taste that I enjoyed but also added two and half grams of protein to my drink. If I decide not to have a protein drink in the evening then 10 caps would give me my second daily intake. I came out of the surgery with flying colors with minimal negative effect from an invasive procedure that should have set me back a lot more than it did. After my ninety days of this increased intake I decided to continue with the 5 grams every morning and have enjoyed this method of taking BodyBoost Colostrum. On my workout days, three times a week I have oatmeal instead of a protein drink and have found that adding the 5 grams of Colostrum along with 15 grams of protein powder to the oatmeal along with some fresh fruit makes a great meal that more than sustains me through almost two hours of workout and a thousand plus calorie burn. When I travel, then the capsules work for me instead. The answer to your short question is we offer 150 capsules of 500mg of BodyBoost Colostrum in a bottle that sells for $29.95 and our brand new 12oz bulk container sells for $74.95. Even though the 12 ounce size cost a little over twice as much it has 237 1.5 gram servings compared to 50 servings from the bottle, a more than four times increase.

Dr Koontz:
That wraps up our time today, thank you John for your education of our audience on Colostrum.